We have all heard of the value of making a positive first impression and the saying holds true when preparing to list your farm land or ranch property for sale. With many buyers beginning their property search online, the quality of the photos presented should depict the full splendor of the land and spark a desire to be on that property. Professional-looking photographs are essential to portray the beauty and true sense of what a property has to offer a buyer. Having a gamut of high-quality, high-resolution photos from various times of the year allows the marketing of a property to advance at a much faster pace and can have a big impact on the length of time it takes to sell a property. Having images available enables a real estate broker to beginning marketing efforts much more quickly, than having to wait to for the peak seasons of year take pictures.
One thing to consider when preparing to photograph your property is how each season enhances it. Collecting photos through the seasons entices and triggers the interests of any viewer. Spring depicts renewal and is a suitable time to showcase a blooming array of wild flowers, a raging creek, budding trees and snow-capped mountain vistas. Land looks especially fresh after a spring rainfall and makes for a great photo opportunity. Summer is an occasion to showcase productive hayfields, livestock grazing and the maturity of the property. Autumn photos of brilliant tree foliage and golden fields in the harvest season show both beauty and production to a buyer. Fall is also a favorable time to capture wildlife as it comes closer to civilization as they stock up on natural food sources for the winter. Utilizing a motion-triggered camera is a great way to capture images of big- and small-game animals. Winter photographs often portray the majestic stillness of the trees, flattering snowscapes and the peacefulness of the property.
Another faucet to keep in mind when gathering photographs is capturing the unique mood and weather of a day to compliment the property. Paying attention to light helps highlight landscape photos. Morning light and late afternoon sunlight is a much richer source of light in pictures because the light needs to pass through more of Earth’s atmosphere. Pictures look more lively and lush and the soft light enhances subtle details of the farm or ranch. Changing weather and cloud cover also alters the balance between direct sunlight and diffuse skylight creating beautiful photos of a property. Stormy weather produces high-contrast light creating a dramatic effect in an image.
A picture is worth a thousand words and with the first impression being the most important, creating high-quality photos as you prepare your property for sale can make the difference in the eye of the buyer who first sets his attention on your ranch or farm land. With the goal being to sell your property, capturing the changing seasons and daily moods through unique pictures, the stage will be set to invite the buyer to walk right into the shot, sit there for a while and then come visit in person.